The daily act of collective worship plays a central part in the life of St Edward’s CE Academy Cheddleton and is a means by which the school’s Christian vision and values are expressed.

Our aims of Collective Worship 

We aim for our collective worship to: 

  • Be a daily expression of our school’s Christian vision 
  • Be inclusive, invitational and inspiring for all pupils, staff and visitors 
  • Offer the opportunity, without compulsion, to all pupils and adults to grow spiritually through experiences of prayer, stillness and reflection 
  • Help pupils and adults to appreciate the relevance of faith in today’s world, to encounter the teachings of Jesus and the Bible and to develop their understanding of the Christian belief in the Trinitarian nature of God and its language 

Our collective worship themes are firmly rooted in biblical narrative.  A bible quote is introduced at the beginning of each half termly worship theme and is displayed and referenced throughout.

Worship PowerPoint

The Bible Quote for this half term is –  

‘The true light that gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.’ 

John 1:9 

This term's Worship Overview

Our whole school worship format includes a Trinitarian opening, the lighting of a three-wick candle, an Anglican greeting and a sending out all led by members of our Christian Council.

Songs/ hymns/ reflective music are used, along with the reciting of our school creed and child led prayers including The Lord’s Prayer. 

School Creed                                        The Lord’s Prayer


How is Worship Organised?




Our Organisation of worship




Celebration Assembly

This is a time where we gather to celebrate the children’s achievements both in and outside of school.  Teachers will identify children who have achieved academically or personally (our GOLD Awards – linked to our Christian values). 

We also celebrate attendance with an award for the class with the highest attendance percentage that week. Children share achievements and awards they have gained in out of school clubs too. 

This is still regarded as an act of worship through singing our school blessing at the beginning and ending with a prayer. 

Church Services

St. Edward’s Cheddleton church is an important feature of life at St. Edward’s Academy CheddletonEach year group is timetabled to lead worship for our school church services held at St Edward’s Church which include Harvest, Remembrance, Christmas and EasterWherever possible, these are timetabled in to the church calendar to enable our children to lead a Sunday service in addition to a ‘rehearsal’ within school. Parents, relatives, friends and members of the church community are invited to join usOur Year 4 Christian Council members are responsible for meeting and greeting the congregation at the church and handing out our orders of serviceFor more information please view the ‘Our Church’ tab.  

Church Services Gallery

Trust Deed and 1988 Education Act

Our daily act of collective worship is in accordance with the Trust Deed of our academy which requires worship to be consistent with the faith, principles and practices of the Church of England.

We also take into account the 1988 Education Act that states,

‘…all pupils in attendance at a maintained school shall in each school day take part in an act of collective worship’

and that this should be …’mainly of a broadly Christian character’


SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.