Today, the Pupil Council and Mrs Johnson marked Safer internet day by leading a whole school assembly. The theme for this year is ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online.’ The Pupil Council asked children how they can stay safe whilst accessing the online world. The children shared their fantastic sticky knowledge of ways to protect themselves by keeping their personal information safe/ private, who to talk to if they experience issues whilst online, how to communicate safely and how they use amazing technology in everyday life.
‘Safer internet day is a chance to think about any worries we might have about using technology and the internet, but it’s also about celebrating all the fantastic things technology can help us with.’ The children were all confident to talk about speaking to a trusted adult if they were facing any troubles online.
We have a challenge! The challenge is to talk about being online with your friends and your trusted adults, sharing what you enjoy, what makes you smile, your favourite app, but most importantly if anything is worrying you , talk to a trusted adult to get support.
Happy safer internet day everyone,
Mr Warrington, Mrs Johnson and The Pupil Council