Pupil Council is a well-established council at St Edward’s Academy Cheddleton. Our council has members from each class and range from Reception up to Year 4.

Pupil members

EYFS – Sofia and Chester
KS1 – Zara, Emilia, Archie and Abel
KS2 – Evie, Oliver, Parker and Tommy

School Staff members – Zac W (Eco Council Lead),  Pam K (LAC Link)

Our team meets each half term and is responsible for positive changes within our school.

Pupil Council has various aims to enable us to flourish as a church school.

Pupil Council aims to:

  • Ensure that the school’s Christian vision and values are reflected within the life of the school.
  • Promote Pupil Voice, solve problems and have an active role/ impact on the school community.
  • Monitor the impact of extra- curricular activities/ visits in school.
  • Demonstrate that all children know, understand and carry out their leadership roles independently and effectively (monitors, ambassadors, councils).
  • Encourage each member to be an active leader of change for Local, National and Global work (planning/ organising and leading charity events for the whole school/ community).

Priorities for 2023-2024:

  • The Pupil Council will be responsible for Global goals, sustainable development will be pivotal to the leadership work of all councils ·
  • The School Council will implement our Personal Development Passport (PDP) initiative (exemplary opportunities, experiences, ambitions, talents and interests) across the academy ·
  • The School Council will be effective in leading academy actions for reduced inequalities and gender equality
  • Local, national and global charity work is intentional and supportive of global goals for sustainable development

What we have accomplished so far:

Pupil Council have worked hard on monitoring pupil, staff, parent and community voice.

Pupil Council worked with Mrs Leese, our Home, School, Community Link Lead, to choose a location for our new defibrillator funded by the Government.

Pupil Council gathered pupil voice when making our very own Personal Development Passport which includes exemplary opportunities, experiences, ambitions, talents and interests.

Pupil Council helped plan, organise and lead the Street Party Platinum Jubilee celebrations for the whole school. A Y3 member wrote a letter to the community to inform the local residents of our plans and information regarding the road closure. We scattered seeds from the Tower of London ‘Superbloom’ scheme designed as a tribute to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The children led a presentation assembly with the whole school where a Y4 member gave a short speech explaining why we were celebrating.

Pupil Council asked for pupil and staff voice to collect suggestions and vote on the school monitor roles and after school clubs they wished to have at St. Edwards.

School Council Newsletters


We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

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SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.