Physical Education

At St Edward’s, we promote indoor and outdoor physical and mental wellbeing for all our children. We ensure that our environment is inclusive and accessible for all children and make adaptations and adjustments that enable wheelchair users and visually impaired pupils to experience physical activities together with their peers.

Our PE curriculum covers the six key areas of learning; swimming, gymnastics, games, outdoor and adventurous activities, dance and athletics. We also offer a range of additional activities such as playground games, dodgeball, parkour, go karting and skateboarding to ensure we engage all our pupils in physical experiences. Skateboarding was introduced following an experience day and the children now use skateboards and scooters during lessons and in before and after school club/holiday club.

It is our vision that children experience a variety of activities during their time at school which will become stepping stone of opportunities. In our Ofsted report (2019), it was acknowledged that ‘Pupils enjoy coming to our small village school’ and we ‘promote learning in the outdoors which pupils love… it ensures that pupils are challenged in a safe and secure environment…sport is a strength of the school. We aim to provide pupils with a good, wide and varied education to help them grow as individuals and we encourage them to aim high and work hard, particularly in physical education.’ 

Ofsted states ‘Our well-planned assessments help pupils remember and practise what they learn’. We ensure teachers have good subject knowledge, through effective CPD which extends the children preparing them for the wider world.  

We believe children’s mental and physical wellbeing is paramount. We have an Active15 school expectation, where after 15 minutes of work the children engage in short physical activities. “It makes me calm, ready to do my work.” (Year 2 child). 





Sticky Knowledge Grids

We use sticky knowledge grids to support the children in their learning. Click the button to see what we expect the children to learn and know in each unit.

Physical Education Sticky Knowledge Grids