Christian School Council

Our Christian Council is a well-established council at St Edward’s Academy Cheddleton. The members of our Christian Council are representatives from different areas of our community. Our council has members from each class and range from Reception up to Year 4.

Pupil members

EYFS – Mahri and Joel
KS1 – Samuel, Sidney and Zara
KS2 – Ethan, Jessica and George

School Staff members – Zac W (Christian Council Lead), Sarah H (RE/Worship Lead)

Anglican circuit Members

Cheddleton St. Edward the Confessor

Foundation Governors – Pam K, Agnes H

Members of the Methodist circuit

St. Andrew’s Methodist – Reverend Denise

Methodist Children and Family Worker – Mark

School Chaplain – Chaplain Pam

Our team meets each half term and is responsible for spiritual change within our school and local community.

Christian Council members at St. Edwards are responsible for encouraging the use of our Christian school values.

Christian Council has various aims to develop our Christian distinctiveness to enable us to flourish as a church school.

The Christian Council aims to:

  • Ensuring that the school’s Christian vision and values are reflected within the life of the school
  • Providing opportunities for children, staff, LAC link members and members of the community to have an active role within the council, what decisions are made and the monitoring/ planning of class worship/ whole school worship
  • Creating and developing areas for outdoor worship and reflection in and around the school
  • Keeping up to date with current SIAMS Framework
  • Each member being an active leader of change for Local, National and Global work (planning/ organising and leading charity events for the whole school/ community
  • Christian Council will continue to ensure the typicality of class worship and reflection areas

Priorities for 2023 – 2024:

· The Christian Council will be central to the implementation of the Christian Distinctiveness action plan · Extending purposeful links with other schools (diversity opportunities and sharing our excellent practise and provision).

· Ongoing charity focus each year is the support to our Local foodbank and Fairtrade (Global project).

· Christian Council to continue to monitor reflection areas. Keeping them up to date and relevant to the correct time of year (including bible quote for each half term).

· The Christian Council will be responsible for Global goals, sustainable development will be pivotal to the leadership work of all councils

· Local, national and global charity work is intentional and supportive of global goals for sustainable development

The Christian Council will be responsible for Global goals, sustainable development will be pivotal to the leadership work of all councils.

What we have accomplished so far:

Christian Council, alongside the wellbeing ambassadors, supported our own Spiritual Day inviting local schools to come and see what we do spiritually in all areas across school and worship .

Christian Council led a whole school worship  for ‘International Women’s Day’ and partnered this day with the charity ‘All We Can’, an ‘International development and emergency relief organisation’ supported by the Methodist church. The ‘All We Can’ charity support women in the Binga District, Zimbabwe through the next steps project and a local partner, Zubo trust. Christian Council focussed on a lady called ‘Maritha’ and her story of basket weaving. Over 40 children signed up to help support this charity and made their own basket, raising over £65 for the All We Can charity.

Christian Council marked ‘Fairtrade Fortnight’, leading a whole school worship to highlight the importance of Fairtrade and why we should purchase items including the Fairtrade logo. Christian Council saw another example of a courageous advocate, where a child from our school sent a dojo picture of their shopping now including Fairtrade items.

Christian Council launched and led a successful charity appeal for the local/ national charity ‘SCOPE’, focussing on a donation ‘drop off’ for our local ‘SCOPE’ charity shop in Leek.  This event saw courageous advocates within the community, such as a child’s grandparent, who made Christmas items out of wood to donate for the charity shop to sell for the Christmas period.

Christian Council continue to monitor and support each classroom’s reflection area using their ‘Reflection Area’ non negotiables checklist. With our recognition of ‘Excellent’ in SIAMS, Christian Council know the importance of ‘Typicality’ around the school and make sure reflection areas are kept up to date and used appropriately.

Christian Council asked for donations and support from the wider community for the Ukraine Appeal. Christian Council were overwhelmed by the amount donated .

Alongside Pupil Council, Christian Council asked the community to join in with the 70 acts of service created by ‘Hope Together’ to help communities come together to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. This included acts of kindness to people in need (Ukraine Hampers) and showing random acts of kindness to family members.

Christian Council launched and lead a fundraising event at St. Edward’s for a Global charity ‘Toilet Twinning’. Children dressed in the national colours of the Democratic Republic of Congo and raised £386 to fund and twin with  6 toilets. A Christian Council member demonstrated courageous advocacy as that they wanted to use money within their piggy bank to help this important cause.

School Council Newsletters



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