Our Values

At St. Edward’s CE Academy, we are determined to create an inclusive culture of learning where all children will be challenged in their thinking whilst still following our church school vision which is –

We will teach wisdom, model and expect respect for all.  We will nurture compassion, responsibility, courage, perseverance and resilience equipping our children for life in all its fullness as honest adults in our diverse and ever-changing world.  We aspire to work collaboratively with our academy, Multi-Academy Trust, local, national and global communities as by…

Learning and Caring Together ‘…they will flourish in the courts of our God’ (Psalm 92:13)

Our values are highlighted throughout the vision and link closely with British Values that are shared Nationally. They enable our children to become respected citizens who make valuable contributions locally, globally and to our world’s sustainable future.

British Values


Democracy is at the heart of all decisions made by children and adults within our school.  To ensure that our children have a voice within the decision making process we have representatives from each class on our Pupil, ECO Wellbeing and Christian Councils. Children create manifestos and stand for election during the first term in school and are elected onto the councils by their peers. They meet every half term to discuss how to improve the physical, social and moral elements of school life,  such as whole school rules for behaviour. When necessary, the councils seek and discuss the thoughts of the whole school and if decisions need to be made, each member has a vote to ensure their opinion is heard. 

The Rule of Law

Our Christian school values are clearly highlighted in our vision and reflected in policies and practice. They are shared by all including parents and children. On a daily basis, we recite our school prayer which incorporates our values. Teachers discuss our values regularly and they are interwoven into our curriculum. When in school, we live by these values to enable us to function well as a community and children are rewarded for demonstrating these values at our weekly Celebration. Our current values are: WISDOM, RESPECT, COURAGE, COMPASSION, PERSEVERENCE, RESILIENCE, HONESTY, RESPONSIBILITY. 

Individual Liberty

We encourage our children to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment to enable them to do this. Using our PSHE lessons, worship, reflection time and Christian ethos of forgiveness and reconciliation as a vessel, we discuss the different choices they may make and the consequences of those choices and children are continually encouraged to make “good choices” by all adults working in school. We encourage responsible independence by developing ‘Leaders at all Levels’, through our Pupil, Eco, Christian and Wellbeing Councils, class monitor roles and Year 4 whole school Ambassador roles. 

The importance of making safe choices when online is explored regularly through our Online Safety and PSHE curriculum and shared with the whole school as part of our annual E-Safety/Anti-Bullying Week. 

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

We live by our Christian school values and expect others in our school community to do the same. In doing so, all faiths and beliefs are accepted and valued sensitively and appropriately by all. Children within our academy with different faiths are encouraged to share their religious practice and celebrations. Parents are invited to share celebrations with us, including taking part in our Celebration Assembly. We explore and celebrate our diverse cultures, during reflection times and  through our ‘Diversity Days’. These days enable are children to develop an awareness of the different  ‘protected characteristics’ in society and how they can be tolerant and respectful towards other people. 



british values


Mutual Respect

One of our core church school values is RESPECT.  The class advocate for this value is the Robins class, however, we expect it to be demonstrated by all. We are an inclusive church school, where everyone is valued and has a contribution to make.  Children learn that their behaviours influence their own rights and those of others. All people deserve equal respect because they are people in our community. To ensure this respect takes place in and out of the classroom, we expect all colleagues, to demonstrate and promote our Christian ethos of forgiveness and reconciliation which aims to restore our values in times of conflict or relationship break-down. We also have Year 4 Playground Ambassadors and Dinner Time Supervisor Play Leaders who ensure that the children demonstrate respect for each other.

We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

Join the Trust

SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.