According to OFSTED, Pupils behave very well in lessons and around St. Edward’s Academy Cheddleton.
At SEAC, we expect ALL children at ALL times to;
- Attend school
- Be punctual
- Work hard and always do their best
- Act sensibly
- Treat everyone and everything with respect
- Come prepared with correct equipment and materials
- Achieve Mrs Machin’s Mission.
To enable us to achieve this, our academy expectations for behaviour are based upon four of our school values – Respect, Compassion, Responsibility and Honesty. Our children and staff understand how and why we should demonstrate these values to maintain healthy relationships with others.
Each of the ‘fantastic four’ values are be explored in greater detail to ensure that children understand their breadth, practical application and the Christian values that underpin them. If children are seen demonstrating these behaviours then they may be rewarded with verbal praise, dojo points, golden time, school values certificates, trophies, meetings with Mrs Machin, their proud pieces being on display around the school, stickers or even a positive message sent home.
We ALL have a collective responsibility for demonstrating these values at ALL times.
For more information please read our Behaviour Policy

The Anti-Bullying Alliance defines bullying as the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online.
At SEAC, bullying is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We are committed to creating and sustaining a positive and inclusive environment for all pupils, staff and parents / carers which is free from discrimination. We believe that bullying PREVENTION is key and educate our children to make the correct choices in regards to their relationships with others using our core Christian values. In particular we,
- Give children the WISDOM to know what bullying is, why it is unacceptable and how to deal with it.
- Empower children to have the COURAGE to speak up for themselves and others
- Teach children to be tolerant and to RESPECT all others, as unique individuals who have strengths, but who also make mistakes
- Ask children to be HONEST and to take RESPONSIBILITY for their own words and actions and how they make others feel
- Encourage children to be RESILIENT and PERSEVERE when things are hard, including re-building relationships and wanting them to work
- Teach children to show COMPASSION when people are hurt
Anti-Bullying Policy
Anti-Bullying Week
The Anti-Bullying Association are official organisers of Anti-Bullying Week. During the week, we discussed who we could ‘reach out’ to if we were being bullied or witnessed incidents of bullying. We also elected our Wellbeing Ambassadors to support us in our mission to make St. Edward’s Academy Cheddleton a bully free zone.
Previously the theme of Anti-Bullying Week has been ‘One Kind Word’. As a school, we demonstrated acts of kindness by donating items for our Afghan Appeal (Global event). We discussed how our class Influential Christians showed kindness within their actions. We even participated in the Staffordshire University podcast ‘One Kind Word’.
Click to listen to Episode 3:’'One Kind Word' an Anti-Bullying Week special
Information and Advice
If you feel that you require more information about bullying, the Anti-Bullying Alliance have created a useful advice pack for parents to help you stay calm and take the correct action.
Advice For Parents
The Anti-Bullying Alliance have also created a course for parents about bullying. For more information click the button below.
Anti-Bullying Parent Course