Your Statement of Commitment and Statement of Impact have been assessed and we are delighted to share this feedback from our assessors with you:

  • ‘There is a clear commitment to progressing arts and culture which is supported by a strategic plan to ensure all pupils access the arts and culture offer as they go through school.
  • There are planned arts focused school trips with the anticipation that every child will have experienced a visit to an Art Gallery, watched and listened to a live orchestra and seen a professional drama production.
  • Children enjoy the arts and culture offer through timetabled teaching and extra-curricular clubs and they have many opportunities to perform and showcase their work in the local community.
  • It is great to see your school is being recognised by the community for the arts. Monitoring engagement with the arts and coupled with a proactive approach ensures no group of children miss out on arts experiences.
  • The curriculum has been revised to ensure meaningful connections are made between the arts and other areas of learning. For instance Rousseau’s paintings are explored in English through the text ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ and where relevant, geographical work about the rainforests is also taught.
  • The introduction of ‘end point’ assessments provide children further opportunities to draw on their prior learning and to prepare them for their next steps such as videoing a group composition in music, producing a piece of work inspired by Kandinsky or role-playing Florence Nightingale’s influence on nursing.