We are very proud to share that we achieved ‘Distinction’ for the AfPE Physical Education School Sport and Physical Activity Quality Mark in 2022.

Below are some extracts from our report:

  • “Their weekly forestry sessions which are delivered in addition to 2 hours of PE.”
  • “Their significant work around the active 15 minutes and how this has been deeply embedded and
    evaluated across the school with all members of staff and has significant SLT support through
  • “Their lunchtime developments which see pupils accessing a wide range of activities to develop their
    skills. It was evident from the visit how much pupils enjoyed these, how they were improving physical
    activity levels and develop key skills such as teamwork (playing playground games co-operatively)
    creativity (some pupils had worked together to make their own maze from fallen leaves) and resilience
    (pupils practicing and sticking at activities to improve their score/ outcome).”
  • “The school has a comprehensive curriculum in place that offers pupils a broad and balanced experience.
    There is a strong assessment system in place which is utilised well across the school to inform teaching
    next steps and ensure pupils are making good progress.”
  • “Over the last few years the school has trained staff members through various CPD opportunities and
    continues to monitor and develop needs through further courses and in house coaching opportunities.”
  • “The school has won awards for its work around health and wellbeing, active lunchtimes and school
  • “They use PE, physical activity and outdoor learning as a tool for whole school improvements (academic
    engagement and achievement, improved behaviour and attendance) and to enhance learning in other
    areas of the curriculum.”


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SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.